Weight loss can seem like an endless pursuit, but even when you’ve put in the hours at the gym and adopted a healthy lifestyle, you might still not be seeing the results you want in the mirror. As we age, it’s common for excess skin to be an unfortunate side effect of weight loss. It can be very discouraging to achieve the number you’ve been working toward on the scale and still not fit into the clothing you desire to wear.
If excess skin is a problem for you, surgical options are available. Buckhead Plastic Surgery has several options to help you, depending on your goal. Call our offices today and book your consultation. Our specialists will help you determine which treatments best satisfy your aesthetic goals.
Many people think liposuction is the right procedure for excess skin. Liposuction can do a lot when it comes to sculpting the body. However, it does not tighten the skin. In addition, removing fat in areas where skin elasticity is challenging can leave skin looking even more loose as the fat that supports it is released. However, BeautiFill is a common, less invasive alternative to traditional Liposuction. With BeautiFill fan can be removed and transferred to another body area where you’d like to see more volume. The BeautiFill system also stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, giving a subtle skin tightening effect.
Body lift
A body lift is an ideal solution to deal with excess skin surgically. This surgery improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat while also removing any excess sagging skin. It’s possible to remove excess fat during this procedure, and it can also improve the look of cellulite or other dimpled, irregular skin surface.
Body lifts are incredibly customizable and can be performed on the abdominal area, buttocks, thighs, arms, and neck. However, because this surgery can address so many body areas, it can require a lengthy recovery. This, of course, depends on the places you’d like to treat and your body chemistry.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tucks (or abdominoplasty) is probably the most popular surgical option for dealing with excessive loose skin after extreme weight loss. Tummy tucks are not a new procedure and are commonly performed after extreme weight loss or pregnancy. This procedure targets loose skin and can tread diastasis, a condition that occurs to women during pregnancy. Diastasis can lead to a rounded abdomen because the muscles in the abdomen separate and don’t correctly reshape after the baby is born. This is a prevalent condition and causes weak abdominal muscles. Dr. Larsen can restore weakened or separated muscles during a tummy tuck and create a smoother and firmer abdominal profile.
Although tummy tucks are popular for both male and female patients, many women prefer to opt for a total “mommy makeover” procedure when they consider a tummy tuck. This “One and done” approach targets many areas affected by loose skin after pregnancy. After a significant weight loss, many patients are disappointed to find that they could not achieve a flat and well-toned abdomen even with a healthy lifestyle. If this is the case for you, a tummy tuck might be the answer. Dr. Larsen can remove excess skin and repair and re-contour the abdomen into a more pleasing silhouette.
Accent Prime
Buckhead Plastic Surgery is proud to offer Accent Prime, a revolutionary device that is FDA approved to treat skin laxity on the face, body, and neck. Accent Prime has been getting a lot of attention lately because of its unique technologies. Accent Prime utilizes a combination of ultrasound and radiofrequency energy. Combining these two technologies allows it to reduce fat and tighten skin simultaneously.
The Accent Prime device is an excellent option if you need to tighten a small amount of lax skin and deal with stubborn pockets of fat on the body and face. However, it’s not as effective as a body lift if you have excessive amounts of loose skin after significant weight loss. Nevertheless, accent Prime is an excellent option for tightening and contouring your curves.
Why should I choose Buckhead Plastic Surgery for this procedure?
Dr. Larsen is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in skin tightening procedures. In addition, he has carefully chosen his entire surgical team to ensure they share his people-first attitude to ensure your comfort throughout the whole procedure.
Dr. Larsen prides himself on communicating clearly and providing you with realistic options for your optimal results. He takes great pride in his surgical skill and is known for his kind and direct approach with his patients.
If you have excess skin and are ready to deal with it, give us a call today and schedule your consultation. Most of our patients report their only regret is not calling sooner. So call us today at 404.367.9005 to book your free consultation and see what a difference Buckhead Plastic Surgery can make in your life.
Tummy Tuck
Before & After Photos

“Great outcome!
Exactly as described and desired. I receive compliments all the time and my body is back in the shape it was before children and c-sections (if not a bit better).”*
*Your results may vary.