It’s no secret that we all have differences in our skin. It can affect everything from what makeup options will appear best, to what type of sunscreen you should be using. But for medical treatment, a reliable classification system was needed. Enter the Fitzpatrick Skin Type classification system.
Unfortunately, this scale isn’t much help in the makeup department, but it can help you determine what SPF to use, and clinicians all over the world use it to determine optimal treatments for their patients. It was developed in 1975, and its purpose is to classify skin types according to the amount of pigment your skin has and your skin’s reaction to sun exposure. This information can help you predict your risk of sun damage and even skin cancer.
Clinicians use this scale to determine optimal settings to treat your skin without damaging it with lasers and other tools. As a patient, understanding the scale and what your number is can help you care for your skin better for your safety and the well-being of your skin.
What is the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale?
The Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale is a classification that is semi-subjective. It was developed by interviewing people about their skin and its reaction to the sun. After much research, the developers were able to recognize distinct trends. The creator identified six groups. It’s possible that you won’t meet all the characteristics of any one type, so you should go with the one that best describes you. Here is a breakdown so you can find out which one most appeals to you.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1
People with Type 1 skin have ivory or almost white skin. It easily freckles and always burns, and commonly peels after a burn. It will never tan. People with type 1 typically have naturally light or red hair and light gray, light green, or blue eyes.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2
People with Type 2 skin have pale or fair skin. Their skin usually freckles and often burns and rarely tans. Those with Type 2 usually have blue, gray, or green eyes and blonde hair.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3
People with Type 3 skin often consider their skin to be beige with a golden undertone. Usually tans after initial burn. They usually have light brown or hazel eyes with dark blonde or light brown hair.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4
People with Type 4 skin have olive or light brown skin; their skin typically tans uniformly and rarely burns. Typically, people with Type 4 have brown eyes and brown hair.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5
People with Type 5 have a darker shade of brown skin, but not overly dark. They always tan and never burn and rarely have any freckles. Their eye and hair color range from dark brown to black.
Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6
People with Type 6 have dark brown skin; skin never burns but darkens in the sun and never freckles. Their eye and hair color is also black.
Why is it important to know?
It’s essential to know your skin type so you can maintain good skin health. For example, Types 1 and 2 are in a high-risk category for melanoma and other skin cancers. A high SPF sunscreen should always be used. Types 3 to 6 still have some risk of skin cancer from sun exposure, primarily if you’ve used a tanning bed. All skin types should check for irregularities and changes in their skin and ALWAYS apply sunscreen!
LUX Med Spa has successfully treated countless patients of all skin types with lasers. The best way to determine how effective laser treatments would be for your skin type is to schedule your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable, experienced technicians. The most critical factor in laser treatments is your skin type. We are committed to using state-of-the-art technology to safely and effectively meet your needs.
What types of laser treatments can be used on each skin type?
One of the reasons it’s essential to understand your skin type regarding cosmetic treatments is because not all lasers can be used on all skin types.
Until recently, there haven’t been renowned options for darker skin tones seeking laser skin treatments. However, there have been advancements lately, and LUX Spa can now offer various skin treatments for all skin types. If you’re considering laser treatment options, call us today to book your free consultation.

Why LUX uses MOXI for specific Fitzpatrick skin types
Our team at LUX Med Spa is committed to using only the best for our patients. One of our newest laser treatments is MOXI. Moxi is a non-ablative fractional laser that converts electrical energy into light, then used to target pigment by creating tiny perforations in the superficial top layer of skin.
MOXI is a gentle laser that can be used on all skin types and tones. MOXI has three different energy settings, which allows for customized treatments on all skin types and can be used all year around!
Moxi is a perfect solution for even the most sensitive skin types. It’s an optimal treatment for people interested in preventing or reducing the signs of aging
or dramatically correcting skin concerns. Call us today at 404.367.9005 to learn more about MOXI and the difference it can make for you!
Anytime you are considering any type of cosmetic procedure safety is the primary concern. Dr. Larsen is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who has had a long and decorated career and maintains an excellent reputation among the top Plastic Surgeons in the world. His primary concerns are patient care and satisfaction, and he has received excellent reviews from both his patients and his peers.
Dr. Larsen has handpicked each member of his staff for LUX Med Spa to ensure that his patients receive the best care possible. Choosing the right practitioner is just as important as choosing the right procedure when you are searching for optimal results. Dr. Larsen and his team will present you with all the options and answer all of your questions during your free consultation. Call us today at 404.367.9005 and see what a difference LUX Med Spa could make for you!
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The LUX Med Spa Membership Program is a great way to maintain a consistent skin care regimen at affordable prices.
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