Like most cosmetic procedures there are several different techniques for a brow lift. Dr. Larsen will choose the best technique for your procedure based on your specific goals and unique facial anatomy. We will describe them here so you can have a sense of what your options may be and what the procedure can entail.  It is common to combine browlifts with upper and lower eyelid surgery.

  • Coronal Brow Lift- This technique is the industry standard for this procedure as it removes the excess skin and does not shift the hairline. This allows you to achieve optimal results. In this technique, one long incision is made in front of the hairline running from ear to ear. The incision heals very well and is hidden for the most part just at the hairline. The surgeon makes the needed adjustments removing excess skin and the remaining brow and glabellar muscles are repositioned for a more flattering appearance. He can also make small adjustments such as removing excess fat and tissue to create a smoother more youthful forehead and browline.  This technique provides the longest-lasting results.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift- An Endoscopic Browlift is another popular method for this procedure but we don’t feel you can achieve optimal results. It is much less invasive than previously used techniques but shifts the hairline back so only ideal for individuals with a low hairline. In an Endoscopic Brow Lift, your surgeon makes a series of small incisions just behind your hairline, then will reposition the muscles and lift the underlying forehead tissue.

Temporal or Limited Incision Brow Lift- This procedure is similar to an endoscopic brow lift but is slightly more invasive.  Larger incisions are made above each temple and behind the hairline. The surgeon will then reposition the tissues of the outer brow area through the upper incisions and will smooth out frown lines between the eyebrows by the incisions made through the upper eyelid.